New Nintendo 3DS Still Features Region Locking

New 3DS (Revised)

After the announcement of the New Nintendo 3DS, a fair share of consumers’ minds were clouded with unanswered questions toward the upcoming product. Shortly after, Nintendo of Japan released a slew of Q&A that’s geared for their inquisitive fans (which can be read here). Despite the fact that Nintendo went out of their way to address the issue to the public, there are still some concerns about the New 3DS that are lingering in the air.

Someone, anonymously on the internet, created a rumor stating that the New 3DS was destined to break the malicious cycle of region locking hardware. In case you’re not familiar with this whole dilemma, Nintendo’s previous handhelds were originally region free until the Nintendo DSi came along. The reason behind it was because Nintendo felt that it was appropriate for the DSi Shop at the time. Fast-forwarding until now, Big-N still incorporates region locking into their successors after the DSi.

What makes matters worse is that Nintendo officially debunked the rumor about the upcoming handheld being region free. If importers are interested in buying foreign games, then they will have to buy the compatible hardware for the specific game. This kind of information isn’t new for importers since they have been doing this for numerous of years. Needless to say, buying games out of your territory also comes with a hefty price tag to swallow as well.

Nevertheless, it was hardly surprising that the New Nintendo 3DS is still being region locked since Nintendo had no intentions of removing it anyways.

[Source: Nintendo Life]

Brandon is a gaming enthusiast who enjoys reporting news and information that pertains to Nintendo. He goes out of his way to own the latest consoles/handhelds, so he can play exclusive games that appeals to him. Given the amount of time, energy, effort, and resources he invests towards gaming; Brandon will try the best within his powers to provide great game related Q&A, FAQs, hints, and tips.

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